Evolis Tattoo2 ID Card Printer
Go badge,
print yourself!
Compact size, ease of use, core features and cost efficiency.
2 is the best deal for printing plastic cards on a small scale and for mobile applications.
In a few seconds, Tattoo2 personalizes in monochrome or colour your pre-printed or blank plastic cards. With a 300 dpi standard resolution and ‘near-to-edge’ printing, Tattoo prints pictures, texts, barcodes and logos as required.
Tattoo2 is a flexible solution which offers a dual card-feeding mode. Cards can be loaded automatically thanks to the 100-card feeder but you can also use the manual loading mode for on-demand delivery. It also features a detachable output hopper to collect printed cards.
Sleek and with a contemporary look, Tattoo2 is today the most compact plastic card printer in its category. It squeezes into any location: offices, reception desks, and even shop counters.
Tattoo2 fully addresses the specific needs of small organizations that print badges in low volume or just once in a while: sport clubs, SMEs, retail outlets, schools, libraries and local authorities
It is ideal for membership cards, subscription and loyalty cards, badges for visitors and employees and much more. Go badge, print yourself!
Both the printer and the software have been designed with user needs in mind. Tattoo is therefore very easy to install and to use.
- The driver provided is already configured for immediate and simple use. An easy set-up wizard leads the user to install the printer in a few clicks. And of course, Tattoo operates under all Windows softwares. Each user can choose his own application to design his cards.
- Tattoo benefits from the market-proven concepts of clamshell opening and detachable card feeder which ease daily use and maintenance: cleaning, ribbon change and cards loading.
- The transparent cover enables to follow the printing process, and cards are delivered printed side up in order to check the result at a glance.
- Tattoo has only the footprint of an A4 page, with optimized dimensions: 166 x 290 x 187 mm (6.53” x 11.42” x 7.36”). The most compact printer in its category !
- Tattoo weighs only 2.4 kg (5.3 lbs). The lightest printer in the market !
- In addition to this space-saving shape, Tattoo benefits from a modern design with fine white plastic base enclosure and a dynamic 'Fire Red' cover.
Tattoo is the perfect solution for small businesses and organizations which require occasional and small batches of prints: a low initial investment, a premium quality and a competitive ribbon offer.
- Tattoo is the single-sided color card printer the most affordable in the market !
- Tattoo is equipped with the Evolis Ribbon Saver for monochrome printing which allows to adjust the length of ribbon used and to maximize the capacity of the ribbon.
Tattoo benefits from the Evolis' know-how and quality standards in terms of reliability and robustness.
- A 300 dpi standard resolution for full color printings. Tattoo is ideal for identification and membership badges (picture, texts and logo).
- Tattoo is based on the same proven concepts and technologies as the Evolis standard printer range. For example, the airtight 100 card-feeder is specially designed to protect the cards from dust, and ensure a perfect loading of the cards thanks to a permanent pressure on the cards whatever the number of cards is.